Human Resources

10 tips for a perfectly optimized career space

Jean Eudes Yahouedeou
January 20, 2025
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It is important to capitalize, through your communication channels, on the values of your company, its products and services and to relay the testimonies of employees. But once attracted to your company, how can you ensure that these simple visitors to your career space turn into effective candidates? Seeqle analyzes for you The keys to the success of a good career site.

Career spaces are the most used resource by candidates when looking for a company and want to learn more about the companies they are interested in. It is therefore a precious resource that should not be overlooked. But how do you ensure you have the best career space possible?

A study of Talent Board showed that candidates expect to find the following 3 sections on a career space:

🥇 Values
🥈 Products and services
🥉 Testimonies

Here it is 10 tips to help you promote your business and promote your values, your products and services, and the testimonies of your employees on your career space.

10 tips for an optimized career space

1. Make your career space more visible.

2. Improve the visibility of your offers on your career space.

3. Allow interested candidates to sign up for a job alert and submit their spontaneous application.

4. Create a “5 reasons to join us” section.

5. Add videos to your job descriptions.

6. Pay attention to your ATS...

7. Create an HR chatbot for recruitment.

8. Give your career space a makeover.

9. Optimize your site for mobile phones and tablets.
10. Imagine an engaging call to action.

1. Make your career space more visible

Your career space should be easily accessible from your website. Don't hide it in a subheading or present it as “About Us.” Instead, put a direct link to your career space on your home page. One passive candidate Passing through your site for any reason will then be more likely to go to your career space and start, why not, the procedures to join you... But only if your site makes it easy to find.

In addition, do not hesitate to share links to your career space on your professional social networks. It is a distribution channel that should not be overlooked, especially when you are targeting qualified professionals already in place.

By promoting your career space on all these platforms, it also indicates the importance of recruitment and human resources for you. In addition, choose to integrate a link to your social networks from your career space.

2. Improve the visibility of your offers on your career space

If a candidate can't find your job offer with a single click (yes, just one), you're making them work too hard and you risk losing them. Check your website: can a candidate find your job offers in one click from your home page?

Maybe you have a direct link to your careers page from your site, that's great. But once on the page, are the offers displayed directly or do you have to click and click again to find them?

Obviously, your career space should not be reduced to the simple posting of positions. There should also be your values, testimonies from your employees and your products/services. But keep in mind that the “Job Offers” section is the one that most interests candidates and should therefore be the most easily accessible.

3. Allow interested candidates to sign up for a job alert and submit their spontaneous application

Candidates who are highly interested in your company may not find the ideal job right away. But give them the opportunity to send you a spontaneous application or to sign up for a job alert in case, one day, you publish the offer of their dreams.

Not only will this prevent you from missing out on the rare pearl, but it will also allow you to build a talent bank of candidates without having to do anything.

It is very easy to set up with an ATS. And if you don't want to use an ATS, ask your IT team to develop a very simple job alert tool, by which the candidate can sign up to receive email alerts when you have a vacancy that could be a match for them.

4. Create a “5 reasons to join us” section

Create a separate section and make a list of all the unique characteristics that will appeal to the candidate. Ask current employees what they would say to their friends if they were to sell your business to them.
Ex: “You can work from home two days a week.” “You get free daycare.” “We organize afterworks every Tuesday.” “We are the market leader.” “We have just opened three new offices/sites in the last two months alone.” Be creative.

5. Add videos to your job descriptions

Instead of writing long tiles to describe your business or the job, choose videos that are more likely to elicit emotional responses. Your company will be considered innovative and this will show that you are invested in your recruitment and attentive to the expectations of your employees.

It can be a video summarizing the main points of the mission, a video presenting the position in a fun way, or a video about the company.

For example, conduct 30-second interviews with team members explaining their missions or describing the working environment. This will give your business a human face and a dynamic and sincere corporate image.

You can also opt for the photo option, as long as they are authentic and reflect the working environment.

Also to read: Attract top talent with recruiting videos

6. Pay attention to your ATS...

If you're using, or thinking about using, an ATS, remember that most of them aren't always optimized for candidates. Many complain about it, and yet big ATS providers persist in creating painstaking application processes, which usually start with the dreaded “Please register to apply.”

If a candidate has to register before they can apply, a lot of really good candidates who may just be browsing and not actively looking will leave. Far from helping you, your clumsy ATS is causing you to lose the best candidates.

We always work according to the 60 second rule. If it takes more than 1 minute to apply, the process is too long. Yes, it is entirely reasonable to include screening questions, but not so reasonable as to make the process arduous.

Be careful not to burden the application form with mandatory registrations or hundreds of boxes to fill out!

7. Create an HR chatbot for recruitment

It is always beneficial to let candidates have their say and ask questions. And it's even better if they can do it anonymously.

But on the other hand, it is certain that your employees or HR managers do not always have time to answer all the requests and questions of candidates. So why not opt for a personalized, conversational recruitment chatbot that will answer frequently asked questions?

One HR chatbot for recruitment like Seeqle allows you to ask questions to candidates who are looking for opportunities to learn more about their needs, offer them personalized recommendations and direct them to the right page based on their answers. A faster, more reliable way to build a thriving talent pool. 😍

8. Revamp your career space

To impress candidates, your career space must stand out from the career spaces of your competitors, but also from the other sections of your website. Adopt a different layout or a different design, this will make a difference and show the candidate how involved you are in recruiting your talents.

And make it a bit more fun! For example, integrate an online competition that puts the candidate in competition with your current employees. You can introduce the game with the phrase “Can you get into the top 10?” This will allow candidates to project themselves into your company by positioning themselves in relation to your current employees. It does not need to be included in the application process, but you can add it to another section of your career space. This sends a clear message that not only do you have great jobs to offer, but that you are also a great place to work.

9. Optimize your site for mobile phones and tablets

Today, 86% of job seekers would use their smartphone to look for work. This is the result of the Glassdoor survey which also finds that 82% of candidates are likely to search for a job with a mobile device, and that 54% of them will also use it to apply for a job. And these numbers are constantly increasing, so it's time to make sure your career space can accommodate these mobile candidates.

Also to read: 4 ways to use mobile for your recruitments

10. Imagine an engaging call to action

The call to action is the last item on our list, but it's probably the most important part of your recruitment strategy. Be sure to give your candidates a way to contact you. Without a form, a button to submit information, or at least an email address, people can appreciate your opportunity without ever applying. It's a missed opportunity for you.

Your career space is a powerful tool to promote your employer brand. So don't overlook it. Continue to explore new opportunities to improve it. Measure your efforts. And don't give up. 🤓

Take care of yourself and your candidates.

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