It's one of the hottest topics in the industry: experts say that by 2026, more than 80% of job offers will be programmatic. Discover programmatic recruitment with our Zoom on this HR innovation that allows recruiters to reach the right candidate, at the right time, in the right place on the internet. How it works, benefits and advantages compared to traditional methods, we explain everything to you!
What is programmatic recruitment?
Programmatic recruitment, also called programmatic HR, automates the targeted distribution of job offers and employer brand messages on online advertising spaces to qualified candidates using targeting algorithms. Qualified candidates are identified proactively based on their personal and professional data, optimizing the visibility of the company and its offers on various advertising channels on the Internet for an effective and fast talent search.
The objective is to aim for a match between the targeted candidate and the job offer. This automating candidate acquisition and sourcing brings a large number of benefits to the employer and to the candidate experience. In particular, it makes it possible to lower the acquisition cost and to increase the qualification rate of CVs.
How does HR Programmatic work?
Concretely, HR programmatics automates distribution job offers, employer branding, training programs, or other HR communications. It is possible to do this on all relevant media environments (job sites, websites and mobile applications). Affected audiences of active and passive candidates correspond precisely to the profiles sought, according to various targeted criteria such as skills, location, training, position held, etc.

Technical functioning of programmatics
Programmatics in general is an approach aimed at acquire online advertising space in exchange for a monetary investment. Its operation is based on Real Time Bidding (RTB). It's an automated process that allows advertisers to buy advertising space in real time, based on specific criteria such as user profiles, online behaviors, and other relevant data.
When your target visits a site or social network, they load a display ad that is auctioned in real time. The players positioned on the type of visitor submit their bids, and the one who offers the highest wins the right to display their advertising.
It becomes Programmatic “HR” when it applies to the recruitment and development of employer brand.
Broadcast formats
The format of the advertisements is varied, and more often than not, the Display ads format is used. It allows you to show classic visual ads, although other more recent advertising technologies provide a greater engagement rate, such as the “Native ads” format. It allows you to create visual ads that integrate naturally into their display environment. These are the famous ads that don't look like ads, but rather like posts, articles, or native content. Of more textual formats can also be used, especially for broadcasts on search engines.
Precise targeting, in the right place, at the right time
Thanks to numerous HR data and distribution points, programmatic recruitment can effectively target the right candidates, in the right place, at the right time, at every moment of his journey on the internet. Your ads then capture the candidate's attention at any time of the day, before they can apply when they are in a situation that allows it.

What are the benefits of Programmatic Recruiting?
Programmatic recruitment offers several advantages:
1. Increase the rate of qualified applications
Gone are the days of posting an ad and hoping that the ideal candidate arrives. Your ads will proactively reach thousands of prequalified candidates. This logically, if targeting is effective, leads to an increase in the qualification rate of candidates.
2. Reach passive and active candidates
HR programmatics makes it possible to capture 100% of the candidate market in employment, including passive candidates who are not present on job sites, unlike active candidates. By going to find them all over the web, it is possible to show a potential candidate an opportunity that suits them perfectly without them even looking for a job or knowing the company that offers it!
3. Valorization of the Employer Brand and the Candidate Experience
Beyond the acquisition of qualified applications, HR Programmatics also makes it possible to enhance the company's brand image as an attractive and modern employer. More than 75% of candidates take it into account before applying! It is therefore essential to put in place ways to optimize it.
4. Reduced acquisition and recruitment costs
THEcontinuous optimization of the various targeting algorithms allow the best candidates to be targeted more and more effectively. Acquisition costs are decreasing as a result, and the number of relevant applications is increasing. You can then focus on value-added tasks such as selecting and engaging with top talent.
5. GDPR compliance
Recruiting, whatever it may be, involves the collection and management of personal data. It must therefore comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. This involves setting up informed consent procedures via a consent management platform (CMP). The latter thus makes it possible to guarantee the confidentiality of information collected and processed as part of human resources management.
In summary, HR Programmatics therefore makes it possible tostrongly optimize candidate acquisition processes andtalent attraction, but alsoimprove the candidate experience.
The meeting between supply and demand is facilitated and optimized, resulting in a greater number of more qualified candidates. All actions are measured in order to determine their performance, of select the most effective and to refine them if necessary.
This automated and targeted recruitment eliminates inefficient processes and expenses or useless due to manual sourcing or the management of multiple job sites. It therefore makes it possible to optimize the quality of applications as well as the rest of the selection and recruitment process where the need for human skills is real.
Going further: using technology like Seeqle
Programmatic Recruiting technology powered by the AI of Seeqle is simply a summary of the best technologies in the HR and Programmatic fields within a SaaS (cloud) solution:
1. The largest candidate audience base (+1M professional data points)
2. Access to more than 2 million environments to reach your audience all over the internet and around the world, including social networks, messengers, major media newsletters, websites, mobile applications and of course job sites.
3. Automating the creation and distribution of your ads using Native Ads technology that makes your ads attractive regardless of the environment.
4. A suite of HR tools allowing, among other things, the AI screening of your candidates, the automation of your tasks, or the establishment of an automated HR Chatbot.
5. A total and transparent centralization of campaign data (interactions, budget, budget, conversion, demographics, etc.) offered in real time and visually understandable by all.
6. Unparalleled performance thanks to performance targeting and budget management algorithms.
7. Some of the most advanced support on the market by programmatic and human resources experts.
8. GDPR compliance from the start to the end of the process.
Request a demo or perform a free analysis to determine the potential results of your programmatic recruitment campaign with our HR programmatic simulator.