Native advertising is a fairly new advertising technology, but it has quickly become mainstream for most digital marketers. Why integrate it into your HR marketing strategy ?
The technology of native advertising, also called Native Ads, allows you to create visual ads that integrate naturally into their display environment and thus make candidates discover your ads in an attractive way so that they are interested in your company.
Native advertising has the ability to give your business the ability to Tell your story and to build stronger relationships with your customers.
Native ads are very appealing and perfectly suited to tremblant, with a click rate of up to 0.74% for premium native ads viewed on a smartphone, while the basic advertising format would only get 0.05% CTR (Click Through Rate) according to SmartInsights.
Here are 3 reasons to adopt Native Ads for your HR marketing strategy:
1. Native advertising works.
2. Native advertising captures the audience's attention.
3. Native advertising increases conversions.
1. Native advertising works
Native advertising works for a number of reasons. First, by being integrated into the content of a site or application, it is not perceived as an intrusive interruption for users, which can make people more receptive to the ad. Also, by being designed to look like regular editorial content, it can be perceived as more relevant and interesting for users. Finally, native ads tend to be better targeted and appear in an appropriate context, which can improve advertising effectiveness.
Native ads have a 53% higher viewing rate than other forms of online advertising. This increases intent to action by 18% and visual engagement with native ads is the same as, or slightly higher, than with original editorial content.
2. Native advertising captures the audience's attention
Online ads have been around for quite some time now. More and more Internet users are getting tired of seeing ads and after a while they simply stop paying attention to them. Because native ads blend in with editorial content, they don't leave the audience bored. As long as the content is relevant and interesting, Native advertising captures the audience's attention. In addition, native advertising can be better targeted than other forms of online advertising, based on the content of the site or application where it appears. This can help reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your company's recruitment opportunities and improve the effectiveness of your HR marketing strategy.
3. Native advertising increases conversions
Internet users know that native ads are a form of advertising, but they don't care! In a recent Stanford University study, researchers discovered that native advertising doesn't fool anyone. Consumers are well aware that what they see is a form of advertising, but native ads still have a significant effect on engagement. As explained in the previous point, native ads tend to be better targeted and appear in an appropriate context, which can improve advertising effectiveness. As a result, increased user engagement is often synonymous with higher conversion rate on native ads.
Also to read: Native ads or Display ads: which technology for HR marketing?
👉 Planning and running an advertising campaign tailored to recruitment can be overwhelming and time consuming. Let native advertising and HR experts create a step-by-step plan tailored to your business.
The HR Programmatic Solution automated by AI from Seeqle offers a summary of the best technologies in the fields of HR and Programmatic, within a single solution. Native ads is perfectly exploited by Seeqle technology in order to promote your employer brand, your job offers or your training courses, with the right candidate, in the right place on the web and in the most pleasant and natural format.
Make an appointment with our teams to directly test our technology using Native Ads. 👇
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