Cas clients

Develop the reputation of your university with the right people

55 M+
views on their formations
Clicks to their site
additional interactions on their social posts

Problem: Managing increased competition and developing brand awareness with limited resources

The University of Namur aimed to improve student acquisition while maintaining a budget similar to that of an external agency.

The university had to meet several major challenges in order to stand out:

  • Intense competition : Many schools compete to attract future students, making visibility and attractiveness difficult.
  • Limited budget and resources : It is difficult for the University of Namur to maximize the impact of its communication with reduced financial and human resources.
  • Targeting young people aged 16 to 21 : The university needed to capture the attention of this age group and increase its reputation among potential students.

With Seeqle: Increase in visibility and multiplication of interactions and commitments

To meet these challenges, the University of Namur called on Seeqle and its cutting-edge technology to create an effective communication strategy:

  • Dynamic advertising campaigns : Deployment of campaigns throughout the year to promote university events and courses.
  • Precise targeting : Definition of target audiences, young people aged 16 to 21 and their parents, to adapt messages and maximize engagement.
  • Multi-channel broadcasting: Using Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Google, Google, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube to reach a young audience.
  • Optimization through AI : Seeqle's technology allowed for refined targeting thanks to its socio-demographic, behavioral, and contextual data. Continuously adjusting ads to maximize results.
  • Various advertising formats : Adoption of engaging formats (carousels, real) to capture the attention of young people and stimulate their interaction.

Results: Remarkable numbers that have improved significantly

  • +55M impressions generated
  • +341k clicks redirected to the university site
  • 6.14% decrease in Cost per Click compared to the previous provider
  • Cost per Thousand Impressions reduced by 1.79% compared to the previous provider

“I was very happy with the solution. Seeqle made it much easier for us, I appreciated the simplicity and interactivity of the process, allowing for much higher results than with the previous players. In addition to technology, the Seeqle team has always been there when we need it.”

Michel Bosquet
Director of the “Info Studies” Department

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