The Ultimate Employer Branding Guide

Seeqle offre une technologie de recrutement programmatique avancée avec une IA de ciblage performante. Son approche ROIste réduit les coûts et s'intègre à vos outils RH. Avec +1200 ciblages métiers dans tous les secteurs, Seeqle génère des candidats qualifiés en moins d'une semaine.

10 tips to optimize your employer brand

At a time when the job market is increasingly competitive, the importance of employer branding is constantly growing.

Recruiting and talent acquisition teams are largely responsible for designing, implementing, and promoting it effectively in order to attract the best candidates.

We give you 10 practical tips for promoting and optimizing your employer brand in order to attract the best talent before your competitors.

In this guide, learn step-by-step how to:
- Conduct a diagnosis of your current employer brand
- (Re) define a coherent employer brand
- Promote the brand to the right candidate target
- Transform your employees into ambassadors
- Analyze and adjust the brand

A concrete overview of what you will find in the ebook
“84% of the most admired companies in the world have implemented an Employer Value Proposition (EVP).”
“Like any initiative, employer brand promotion efforts need to be analyzed and improved.”

Internal and external brand diagnosis
Recruiters play a key role in thoroughly understanding the employer brand. This understanding is based on conversations with candidates and the feedback they receive.

Gain employee support
Recruiters should have a thorough understanding of the brand and its nuances. Maybe even more than everyone else in the organization. They need to be a part of the brand if the company is to have a chance to deliver a consistent message to future talent.

Become a social media expert
Recruiters need to become the most savvy social media experts in organizations when it comes to employer branding, reputation management, and creating PVE.

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